今天下課後, we got social program to meet some 5-week presessional students
不過我遇到一位12週的學生, 來自Kazakh...
這地方我還是第一次聽, 猜了好~~~~~~久才知道是"哈薩克"...
老師這次有準備些有趣的題目給我們玩, 跟British culture有關
(答案在每一題的下面~ 請反白)

1. Which institution is affectionately known as "Aunty (Auntie)" by British public?
    a) The National Health Service
    b) Parliament
    c) The BBC
    d) Queen Elizabeth II

-> c) they call BBC as Aunty B

2. Each part of the UK maintains its own identity and each has their own flag, emblems and patron saint. Which of these is the patron of England?
    a) St. Patrick
    b) St. David
    c) St. Andrew
    d) St. George

-> d) St. George is for England,  St Patrick is for Ireland, St. David is for Wales, St. Andrew is for Scotland
If you know this one, you are better than most English people!! people in England do not care who their patron is...

3. If a person in the UK is given an ASBO, what have they received?
    a) An order to behave in a civilised manner
    b) An order of chivalry given by the Queen
    c) An honorary university degerr
    d) A driving offence conviction

-> a), ASBO stands for Anti-Social Behaviour Order

4. "Bangers and Mash" is traditional British meal and can be found on many UK pub menus. What is Bangers and Mash?
    a) Sausages and mash potato
    b) Haggis and mashed turnips
    c) Prawns and mashed avocado
    d) Meat pie and mashed peas

-> a) (I didn't know that....next time maybe I'll try)

5. Wassailing is a longstanding tradition in parts of the UK. Which is the best description of Wassailing?
    a) Fertility ceremony held in apple orchards
    b) Blessing a bridge for the safety of travellers
    c) Wrestling contests held in muddy fields
    d) A ceremony paying respect to the Lord of the Manor

-> d) ( totally no idea what is that...= =)

6. Which sports did not originate in UK?
    a) Golf
    b) Cricket
    c) Snooker
    d) Football

-> a) Golf originate in Holland....(I thought golf was from Scotland, because there is a golf museum in St. Andrew!! It is in Scotland!!...)

我們這隊隊名叫"TACHIJAKOKA" (猜的出來為什麼嗎? 嘿嘿~  提示: 我們有五個人)
最後統計分數的時候我們跟另外三隊同分, 所以要進行第二輪比賽來決定誰是第二名跟第三名(第一名已經有了)
題目是: 披頭四在英國總共有幾張冠軍單曲?
我捫這沒人是披頭四迷, 所以就把我們五個人的年齡加起來算平均數當答案 算出來的答案是24
交出答案後我們還一直想, 應該至少有三四十張才對, 不會這麼少...
結果答案是17張!! 我們的數字最接近答案, 所以得到了第二名! 哈哈哈

在去參加social program之前, 我趁一小時的空檔跑去library找資料
因為不想印一堆書很浪費錢, 所以我效法了Milo的spy精神
拿數位相機狂照!! 大概照了有一百頁吧...........
我很怕有人看到我這樣做會叫我把記憶卡交出來= =
我不想浪費紙張咩~~~ !(<-被抓的話打算用的藉口= =+)

//今天, 我第一次, 在英國買......香蕉!!
話說英國最~~~便宜的水果就是香蕉, 每次去別人房間幾乎看到的水果就是-香蕉
可是之前在Bristol我還真的從來沒買過, 到現在~ 因為吃了葡萄跟櫻桃, 不愛吃蘋果, 橘子皮很難剝...其他水果不是 要削皮要嘛就要切(目前沒工具)...再不然就是很貴或是會酸.....
我今天, 終於拿起香蕉了!! 值得紀念值得紀念!!

//被嗆了~ 被一個28歲, 在英國待了9個多月, 單身一年多的韓國男念~
"you have been 6 months in the UK, you should find a boyfriend!!"
但是被這麼唸還是挺怪的!! 可惡!! 也不想想自己在英國待多久啦~ 可惡~
最近我有沒有男朋友的事很像常被拿出來問= =.........這種八卦真的是國際通用
因為太多女生都有男朋友, 所以發現我這個沒有的稀有品種很稀奇嗎= =||

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